In my system, you would see the following outputs. It gives the path to the program that is directly involved with a command. Type command tells you how your shell resolves a command, in this case, the command python or python3. Here are some ways that help you to find out which python you are using. However, it's good to know how many interpreters you have and which one you are currently using with the python command. Most of the time, you use one of the interpreter programs with the command python or python3. More specifically, this title means "Which python interpreter program am I using to run my Python program?".
How to compile python on mac code#
It means when your Python program is running, there needs to be another program running at the same time, interpreting every line of your Python code to your processor, and the program is THE Python we are talking about in this article. Unlike C language, which is compiled to machine code and executed by the processor directly, Python is not compiled but interpreted. The name "Python" frequently used in this article would refer to the Python interpreter program most of the time. Sure, Python is undoubtedly a programming language, but it is not only a programming language. It aims to give you a better understanding of all the Python interpreters you may have on your Mac.
How to compile python on mac how to#
This article is NOT for beginners and DO NOT teach you how to install Python. Where are they from? Are they provided by Apple? Which one am I using? Where did the packages I installed go? This article would give some insights into those questions. There would sometimes be lots of Pythons existing on a Mac at the same time. One exception that ruins their life is dealing with Python versions. Python has made life extremely easy for developers and data scientists, at least most of the time.